I have helped hundreds of food business entrepreneurs and now I want to help you make your food business dreams a reality.
Whether you want to be successful at farmer’s markets, online or store shelves, we believe Crafted Kitchen (and this blog) is your secret ingredient. We can show you how to avoid an expensive hobby and instead, run a profitable food business.
I think about my members (past and present) all the time, and I think about and implement ways to help them achieve their goals. I see some big differences in people. Some come in to see me and they’re excited, then things fall flat, and I never hear from them again. I wonder what they’ve been doing, if they started that business, if they’re growing that business, and then there are people that I talk with and I know, I can feel that they’re going to achieve their goals. They’re doing it, and as a result, that’s that.
That’s what I’ve been thinking about. What are the differences between the groups?
For me, consistency is one of the biggest hurdles. One of the thieves that steals our dreams if we lack consistency or, frankly, if we’re consistent in doing the wrong things. (Guilty as charged)
It’s hard, right? To illustrate, let’s say you want to lose weight. You’ve got to show up and be consistent in your exercise and in your food choices. The same is true for your business.
Then I realized, consistency is a promise to yourself. It’s a pathway to trust when you decide you’re going to show up for your goals…. regardless of what they are.
What does it look like? It means stepping up every day and making decisions about your business. It’s not a big win. There are no overnight successes. I can guarantee you that. If all you’re focused on is “I want that big reward, that big, immediate win” and you don’t get it because it’s going to take some real grit, it’s going to take you pushing through, it’s going to take commitment. Not to mention perseverance.
That’s where people give up. They’re all passion and no action. They don’t take the steps that are necessary.
Doing the thing is just as easy as not doing it, right? That’s my challenge to you. I want you to choose 3 daily actions that you will do over the course of the next 30 days to help move your business forward. They don’t have to be difficult. Yes, you need to do them every day. No days missed, right? To emphasize, his is about showing up for yourself and your dream.
Here are some simple ideas:
- Get a journal and write down your business goals for the next year. Write them down every single day. I do this. It sets me up every day, remembering why I do this. Why I get up every day to serve people and help them create their dreams. Write down your goals. They could be business goals, life goals, whatever.
- Make a commitment to post content every day. Not just any content, but content that’s relevant and meaningful to your target audience. It’s easiest if you make a calendar, that way you know exactly what you’re posting on each day.
- We’re super addicted to social media. Commit to turning off your devices 30 minutes before you go to sleep. Use the time to read, journal, stretch, whatever you find calming.
I can tell you from experience that the actions compound and they’re not linear. It’s not a 1-for-1 exchange. There’s a tipping point. You keep showing up and you keep taking these small actions. Even when it’s scary. And when it’s hard. Even when you don’t want to. You’ve made a promise to yourself to do this. And yes, you can do hard things.
Momentum builds. All of a sudden, you see your goal as possible.
As I have said, this is all about patience and the long game. As Brooke Castillo of Life Coach School says, “Instant gratification is what kills our dreams.”
Give up that need for instant gratification otherwise, what you’ll end up doing is this: you’ll try one day, two days, three days and then you’re going to give up and give in to “I’m just going to scroll on social media, binge watch the latest Netflix series” or some other activity that doesn’t serve you. All because you didn’t get that instant win.
At this point, are you willing to commit to your goal and be in it for the long haul?
You’re becoming an entrepreneur. From experience, I can tell you that it’s going to be the hardest thing you’ve ever done and will do. At the same time, it’s also the most rewarding. So yes, you CAN do hard things.
Crafted Kitchen offers low cost, low risk commercial kitchen rentals in Los Angeles. Want to talk about your entrepreneur dream? Let’s talk. In the meantime, we’ve got tons of free resources for small food businesses. Check it out!
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